Interactive innovation | Mountain Dew | Beyond the Wall

Project date: October 2012

Enabling graffiti artists to turn their art 3D

It's every graffiti artist's dream to tag the untaggable. We collaborated with one of New Zealand's most prominent street artists, Kairau Bradley aka HASER, to create the next evolution of graffiti. We set out to bust graffiti off the wall and into 3D.

Pairing Kairau with motion-capture experts and software engineers, we captured one of his tags in real time 3D using infra-red cameras. We then used data points captured to enable him to turn his tag into a massive, real-life 3D sculpture.

Then, we built the tools to allow everyone to create their piece of 3D graffiti online, and drop it on any street corner in the world using Google Street View, creating a single global canvas for street art.